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Personal Technical Difficulties

for any of my friends who may be reading this, I currently have a problem with my "" domain name and currently have no control over it. I am trying to get my main personal hub back soon, but until then, you can access my blog at instead. The best place to e-mail me is probably during this period. Thanks.

Podcasting and The Evil Empire

One of the biggest things I wanted to do with was bring podcasting to the website.  For those who don't know, podcasting is like a weekly radio show you could download and listen to whenever.  I envisioned a great show where we features a song from most of the albums we reviewed this week plus some new music and some of my favorites.  It would rock.

The Start of Something New

Well, this personal blog of mine is a new attempt at bringing the development of as a discussion between the staff and the users of  We want to make much more than it currently is, and hopefully it will be done with your help.  I'll give more on that later.

So, please, help us out.  We're a community of music lovers who like to write, not a bunch of stuffy critics.
