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Creation Fest Day Two

[img_assist|nid=431|title=Jon Foreman of Switchfoot|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=128|height=184]Fireworks.

As I sit in my car with the glow of my laptop, a rainbow of colors is splashing about me. Fireworks signifies the end of the main stage activities on the first official day of Creation. The event officially started at about 5:15 PM. Yet my festival day began about 9:30 AM when I ventured from my campsite to the main stage area soon after consuming a typical Creation breakfast of eggs and sausage.

My day consisted of volunteer and press meetings, as well as my volunteer shift. The first day working stage security is always interesting since the set up crew is often still setting up. The final touches are being completed on the main stage gates and perimeter fencing. These volunteers have been working tirelessly for many days to prepare the stage and seating area before the thousands of people arrive to hear the first greeting from the stage.
[img_assist|nid=436|title=Chad Butler of Switchfoot|desc=|link=none|align=right|width=189|height=151]
Several of the teens from my group apparently kept busy by standing up in the first row behind the barricade at the stage since about 11:00 AM. Unfortunately, around 7:15 PM, while I was attending a press conference with Relient K, the announcement was made that a large storm was approaching and everyone was told to go back to their campsite. The youth had hopes of being up front for Switchfoot but left with the crowd after the announcement. Yet they reported the long afternoon was worth the wait since Skillet put on a great set.

The rain caused a bit of a delay, yet Switchfoot and Relient K were able to close out the night as planned. During the delay, I saw Harry Thomas, a festival co-founder, walking backstage as if nothing was going on. Rain and storms are nothing new to Creation East, but it is not t[img_assist|nid=435|title=Matt Hoopes of Relient K|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=151|height=222]he norm. Pastor Harry and all of the festival coordinators know how to handle the situation with the best caution measures. We later found out that the storm contained up to 50 mph winds and hail in nearby areas.

Before the Relient K press conference was cut short, we learned what had been rumored on the Switchfoot message boards was indeed true. Relient K and Switchfoot are touring together in the fall. Matt Thiessen reported that both bands spent some time together today collaborating on tour thoughts and ideas.

Earlier, I caught a bit of the Switchfoot press conference. I had to laugh because someone asked a question about Christian music versus general market. I have heard the answer evolve in recent years, but at one point I could almost answer the question before the words came out of Jon Foreman’s mouth, Yes, I am a Switchfoot fan, so I do hear and read a lot of what they have to say. The question is not new for them. But I will say that they have refined the answer a bit sin[img_assist|nid=432|title=David Douglas of Relient K|desc=|link=none|align=right|width=115|height=170]ce I inquired a similar thought process several years ago at a press conference.

Day two contained its fair share of dirt and sweat. Now add sunscreen. I worked from noon to 4:30 PM, prime time for sunburn. Rumored weather reports indicate that it will be cooler tomorrow. The rain will help cool things down tonight. But most important is the fact that the roads may not be as dusty. This fact alone creates a bit of joy in many festival attendees.

Hopefully it will be cool sleeping weather so the camp trailers nearby won’t feel the need to put on generators all night long. I don’t hear the generators now. That is a good sign. I am ready for bed.