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Most Spun 2007: Matt Thiessen

Submitted by Matt Thiessen of Relient K (Current album: Five Score and Seven Years Ago - Gotee Records, Capitol Records)

1. Little Ones Sing Song EP

A friend gave it to me for my birthday, and for some reason it struck a chord with me this past summer. I guess it was a summer romance that never really wore off.


2. The Four Freshman Collectors Series

They were a huge influence for Brian Wilson, and I can understand his love for their harmonies.


3. Jellyfish Spilt Milk

I got into the record shortly after the completion of Five Score, and I've been falling asleep to it a bit too much.


4. Nick Drake Pink Moon

The title track has a ton of sentimental value, and it reminds me of everything that I love about this world.


5. Tears for Fears

Lastly are some assembled hits from Tears For Fears. I don't know if they fall into the guilty pleasure category or not. If so, I'm guilty as charged.