It is a rare and beautiful thing when a group decides to go out at the top of its game. Indeed, one has only to look as far as the nearest outdoor music festival or state fair to witness clutches of aging rockers faithfully trucking out the greatest hits setlist to an ever-dwindling fan base to prove the point. Don't tell this to Forever Changed front man Dan Cole, though.

The Need to Feel Alive (2005)
Formed in the late '90s by a trio of high school friends who were barely old enough to drive, the Florida quartet now known as Forever Changed was a classic case of North meets South. Singer Dan Cole moved from Cincinnati to Tallahassee in 1999 after his freshman year in high school. It was there that he met guitarist Ben O'Rear at a local church and the two began getting together intermittently to play music. Not long afterwards, Cole heard Nathan Lee tapping enthusiastically on the top of his desk in chemistry class and invited him to join the duo on drums.