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Jennifer Knapp Reveals She is a Lesbian; How Do We React?

Earlier today, an interview with Jennifer Knapp, a popular Christian music artist from 1998-2002 who recently announced a comeback to music, was posted on the Christianity Today website.  In the interview, Jennifer Knapp reveals that she is a lesbian and has had a relationship with a same-sex partner for eight years.  But she says that's not the point.  I urge you all to read the intervi

Radiohead and the Free Music Revolution

By now, you've no doubt heard from plenty of sources that you can download the new Radiohead album directly from The lads in Radiohead are allowing you to pay whatever you want to download the album, you just have to give them an e-mail address. You can even pay 0£ if you like, which I did. I've taken a listen and have liked it. Since I'm not that well-versed with Radiohead, I may even go out and buy a couple albums, now that I've been introduced. We'll see.

Give, Give, Give

Almost since I first heard it, but especially over the last couple weeks, this song has been playing over and over in my head. It's such a simple but worshipful song that convicts me every time to want to surrender more of my life to Christ. Thanks, Relient K, for this great song:

from Five Score and Seven Years Ago

The Derek Webb Problem

A week ago, I sat at a local eating establishment and they happened to be playing the local (Inspirational format) Christian station.  As usual, I didn't know half the songs because I don't keep up with Mark Schultz, Selah, or Newsong.  But that didn't bother me.

Somehow, though, the subject of Derek Webb, who recently has reunited with Caedmon's Call, came up.  I ended up sitting through 5-10 minutes of my coworkers going over how much they hate him and his solo albums.  And, honestly, I can't figure out why.

How To Package Your Music

Every year the Gospel Music Association has an award for "Best Music Packaging". At least half the years, the winner is an album which had absolutely no cool stuff about their packaging. Apparently everybody in the GMA just votes for their own album, and the people who don't have an album just pick one out of a hat. For some reason, that WOW album gets one more vote than the others and wins. Yipee.
